AlgeBasics introduces the rules for basic algebra - the multiplication and division of algebraic terms, followed by the concept of addition and subtraction. Teaches the easy way to remove brackets. The methods can be applied to all sums, both easy and complicated ones, unlike some methods which are only suitable for simple sums.
Simple mental exercises at the end of each session help to strengthen the concepts learnt.
It also teaches addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of algebraic fractions and indices.
You can print out a report at the end of each practice session. The report shows each sum with its correct answer and the student's answer marked. It also includes the percentage score, the average time taken to do each sum and other details.
You can get a test paper ready in a few minutes - simply with a few clicks of the mouse.
A test can include questions from one or more topics.
The setter can specify whether the questions for each candidate will appear in different orders.
The setter can also decide to have the printouts of all candidates appear in the same order for easy checking.
If the duration of a test is indicated, the computer will automatically stop the test when the time is up.
The duration of the test can be left blank for the time to be controlled by the examiner during the test.